(if we're lucky enough to get any!)

Both rabbits and guinea pigs are sensitive animals and they can struggle in the heat. Make sure the have LOTS OF WATER and ACCESS TO SHADY SPOTS during warm days.

As the temperature rises, bunnies will start to shed their winter coats. REGULAR GROOMING helps to remove excess fur and can be a great way to bond with your pet.

Another cheap and easy way to keep your pet comfortable in warm weather is to place FROZEN WATER BOTTLES OR CHILLED PLATES inside their hutch (or even out in the run). They will love being able to cool off next to them. Fill an old juice bottle 3/4 full of water and put in the freezer - once frozen simply put it in your pets hutch/run - a simple, cheap and easy way to give them a helping hand this summer!

If your pet does suffer from heat stroke you need to act quickly. Warning signs include listlessness, and an unresponsive manner. CONTACT YOUR VET STRAIGHT AWAY, and help cool your pet with a damp cloth.

FLY STRIKE happens when flies lay their eggs in rabbits fur and nasty maggots hatch just hours later. It's much more common in summer, but a clean hutch and good grooming will deter flies. If you notice your rabbit is affected CONTACT YOUR VET IMMEDIATELY!